понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I find I have a hard time talking to people about personal stuff. Itapos;s probably because I donapos;t want to cry in front of people. It just brings me back to when I was a little kid and the other kids would laugh at me if I cried.

I need to face facts though: I�have a serious problem that wonapos;t just go away because I want it to. I have trichotillomania, a serious mental problem (at least by my point of view). Because of it, I compulsively pull out the hair at the back of my scalp. Iapos;ve had it since God knows how long, but it didnapos;t become a problem until about 9th grade. Thatapos;s when a minute bald spot began to form and my mother began noticing the little hair balls Iapos;d leave on the carpet. My mother came to the conclusion that if my hand was at my head that I was about to pull out my hair and would sternly call my name to make me stop. I did, but I would still do it.

My dad came to wonder why my mom would call my name and not make me do anything. Of course, he didnapos;t know any better. Last year, I decided to see if there was a name for what I was doing. Turns out, it did. So I promptly informed my father about it. I�never saw him so angry. He denied that this was true and told me I was doing this on purpose and that I could stop at anytime. He was so wrong.

My brother and grandmother know I have a bald spot, but they donapos;t know why. Itapos;s probably better they donapos;t. Especially my brother. Heapos;d probably blab it to his friends.

Itapos;s become so bad I have to wear my hair back or under a hat. I hate ponytails. I hate my hair off my face. It doesnapos;t flatter me in the least. How vain of me.

If youapos;ve taken the time to read this, then thank you. If you feel the need to make some stupid insensitive comment, ignore it for your sake and mine. If you know of any support groups in the Toronto area, then please let me know.

That is all.�
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m feeling Michaelapos;s pain. I had never pined for anyone when I was 13, but he and Ted both are tugging at my angst strings. Justin is being stupid. Heapos;s not in love with Brian, heapos;s only known him for five minutes. Damn kids. But Michael and Ted both have long-term unrequited love going on for friends that that know through and through.

First appearance of Blake. Hi Blake. You look so cheerful, and itapos;s just too bad youapos;re on drugs. The ladies are acting their asses off in this episode, something I was never able to appreciate as a middle schooler. Sharon Gless owns this episode with the quiet saga of Vicapos;s HIV. Sheapos;s the only one delivering any of these goofy lines realistically. Also, how had I forgotten about all the camera tricks? Theyapos;re every five seconds up in here.

This episode and the last one were both better than the first. Really, theyapos;re all so emphatically copies of the British series, itapos;s a wonder theyapos;re fluid at all. And outside of the cringe-tastic puns, the show is actually pretty funny. It does better when it isnapos;t trying to be funny (Seasons 3 4), but still. Ha.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Hey guys itapos;s my first post. Sorry that itapos;s not more intriguing...but.....
Iapos;m a little confuddled at the moment. I have many interests and am now a junior in undergrad. Iapos;m going for a psych major with a concentration in behavioral neuroscience. Now all in all Iapos;m trying to decide my next step. What grad school to apply to and what for etc.
Iapos;ve thought about med school, clinical psych, and neuroscience.
I guess my main question is what are the variety of careers one can pursue after getting a PhD in neuroscience?
That and how hard is it or can you even pursue two doctoral degrees at one time?
That and if anyone has any suggestions about how to make my decision without more wavering back and forth please suggest away.
Thanks so much in advance

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